Sewer & Water Districts

There are currently thirteen (13) water districts within the Town of East Fishkill. They are Revere Park, Pinewood Knolls, Taconic Estates, Little Switzerland, Brettview, Brettview II, Hopewell Hamlet, Hopewell Hamlet II, Shenandoah, Fishkill Plains, Hopewell Glen, Four Corners, and Beekman.


We operate five (5) Town sewer districts: Sagamor Sewer, Hamlet Wastewater, Four Corners, Wildflower Hills, and Beekman. Water and sewer rents are billed every three months. They are payable without penalty during the first month after billing. Please refer to your bill for a specific due date. Thereafter, a 10% late fee is charged. Any unpaid water rent after November 1 will be re-levied on the following year’s county and Town tax bill.

For General Inquiries, call:
(845) 223-5114
For Emergencies, call:
VRI  (845) 677-3839 
(for All Sewer and Water Districts)

Closing or Opening an Account

Selling your home or property?  

Do you need a water or sewer invoice for your closing?  

Looking to change the name or mailing address of the account?

The Water and Sewer Department performs final reads of your meter and provides the information for the closing.  When requesting a final meter read, please complete the form.  The form must include the current and new owner information.   You can download the form (below) and submit to the Water and Sewer Department.  Please allow up to 2 weeks to complete a final meter read, after the completed request form is received.  If you have any questions, please contact the Water and Sewer Department at (845) 223-5114.


Final Water Read Request Form


Town Sewer and Water bills can now be paid online using Credit or Debit cards using the links below.

A fee of approximately 3.5% is charged for every transaction. The amount may vary depending on what type of card you use.  You will see the fee before you enter the payment information and can decide whether or not to proceed.

Enter the SERVICE ID number (found on your bill) in the LOCATION ID field.


Pay My Sewer Bill Online


Pay My Water Bill Online


Four Corners Water District and Irrigation Restriction – August 2, 2022


Emerging Contaminants (PFOS/PFOA)

Hopewell North Water District

To the Residents of the Hopewell North Water District:


If you have any questions or concerns related to the construction of the Hopewell North Water District, including the restoration of the property please contact Mr. Drew Smith with the Army Corps of Engineers at 845-709-9702.


Proposed Hopewell West Water District

Water Meter Installation Notice – Hopewell West Water District

Hopewell West (Worley) Water District Notice (08/03/21)

Map, Plan, and Report for the proposed establishment of the Hopewell West Water District (formerly Worley Homes) (Updated January 2019)

Map, Plan, and Report for the proposed establishment of the Hopewell West Water district (formerly Worley Homes) (Updated 07/23/18)

May 10, 2018 Presentation to the Town Board  (Updated 07/23/18)

Hopewell Glen Water District

Coming Soon

Pinewood Knolls Water District

Pinewood Knolls PFOA & PFOS Update Notification


Helpful Links

Contact Us

Town of East Fishkill

330 Route 376
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Main Number: 845-221-9191

Hours: Open Mondays through Fridays 8:00am to 4:00pm